Frequently Asked Questions

Massage – We advise patients to wear loose fitting clothes and make sure you can easily take them off when you get on the massage coach. Sports and injury related treatments will begin with a postural assessment and range of movement tests. So, it is best to bring a pair of shorts, and for ladies, a vest top or similar. Most massages work best directly on the skin therefore some degree of undress may be required during treatment, but we always have towels at the clinic to cover over the body parts that are not being treated.

Lymphatic Drainage – Expect to undress to your level of comfort but know that direct contact with the skin is always best. Tight clothing and under wire bras will make it difficult to get lymph moving. Compression garments will need to be taken off during the session but may be applied after the massage session to prevent fluid accumulating in the area again.

If you choose to wear clothing during your session, wear cotton underwear and pants with no buckles, zippers, or pockets – such as yoga pants or yoga shorts. Wear a V-neck t-shirt or tank top so the neck and collar bones can be accessed by your therapist.

Natural Movement Pattern Training – You can wear comfortable clothes (comfortable street clothes, gym or fitness clothing or anything that you feel comfortable in and doesn’t restrict you to do basic movements).

The number of sessions can vary from person to person. You will probably get some exercises that helps improving the condition that you came to improve. Some can find time to do them as frequently as advised and can do a lot for themselves. If you don’t have the time, determination or you would prefer more assistance, you can choose to have more frequent sessions instead.

Ideally, if you came in with specific injuries or complaint, you will have your first assessment and treatment on your first visit, then we would like to see you again in 1 or 2 weeks for a follow up. I will be able to give you an estimate of how many treatment sessions you will need to achieve your goal after your initial assessment.

Most our patients who are not injured visit us once a month in order to prevent injuries and keep the muscles relaxed.

NMPT – For most people, it takes a minimum of 3-4 classes to understand the correct implementation and memorise the exercises. Although you will make a good progression in understanding and feeling your body even after just one session, you can get better results if you are committed for a longer period of time. You have had your habits for many years that made your posture and movements demanding on your joints and spine, don’t expect to learn good habits in just one hour.

It is more beneficial to have a massage session after exercise, to help your muscles relax and recover. Receiving a massage once you’ve finished working out helps reduce muscle soreness by reducing inflammation and reduces your recovery time by speeding up cell recovery.

I recommend my clients to avoid strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours after a bodywork session. Exercising after a session can both increase muscle soreness and compromise the value of the soft-tissue work you’ve just received. “Strenuous exercise” includes activities such as running, weight lifting, high intensity aerobics, or power yoga classes.

Light exercise such as moderate walking, gentle stretching, or swimming laps at an easy pace is OK for healthy individuals.

You should not have treatment if you have a fever, cold/flu, or contagious skin infection. With other conditions, we may need to adapt our techniques or avoid an area completely. With some conditions, such as cancer or certain heart conditions you need to get approval from your GP or consultant before receiving treatment.

It is a good idea to let me know any medical conditions when you book your treatment and you always fill out a consultation form before your first session, where you can specify any conditions that you have.

If you have Coronavirus symptoms:

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough
  • a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste

Massage – A couple decades ago, therapists said ‘No pain, no gain’, but that is a myth that a massage must be painful to be effective. Excessive pain during a massage isn’t a sign that the sports massage is helping. Some clients report ‘Good pain’ during the treatment, which is OK, because you will feel the tension releasing at the same time. Excessive pain can cause muscles to contract, making it harder for the massage therapist to ease tense areas.

Open communication with your therapist is key to a treatment that meets your needs. If you have an injury or chronically tight or painful areas, be sure that your therapist is aware of it before the start of the session. If the pressure is too intense, tell your therapist immediately so they can use less pressure.

Lymphatic Drainage – LD is completely pain free, even if you have a sore, swollen area. This treatment uses feather-like pressure, to achieve most benefits in the lymphatic system. If you use this treatment after liposuction, BBL or other surgical intervention, you should get advice from your surgeon on what is the best time and frequency to receive LD. In any case your compression garment causes more pressure than the treatment itself, so if you can come to your treatment without pain you won’t experience more pain during or after your session.

NMPT – Natural Movement Pattern Training is a set of specific stretching and strengthening exercises that are leading to the ability to a pain free movement at any ages. The training programme gradually leads you to free up any restrictions that you currently experience, before you enjoy the maximum benefits of the integrating exercises. You keep under your pain level with each exercise at all times. Your flexibility will improve and the restrictions will decrease with each practise, without experiencing pain.

We strive to provide excellent services to our clients. When you book your appointment, you are holding a space on our calendar that is no longer available to our other clients. In order to be respectful of your fellow clients, please call us as soon as you know you will not be able to make your appointment.

If you need to cancel your appointment, we require that you call or text at least 24 hours in advance. Appointments are in high demand, and your advanced notice will allow another client access to that appointment time. Late cancellations are subject to a £15 late cancellation fee.

A missed appointment is when a client misses an appointment without cancelling. In this case, a full treatment price will be charged.

You can cancel your appointment by emailing to or calling/texting 07913029336. Please don’t call or email the clinic because they won’t be able to cancel your appointment and you will be charged for your appointment.

If you arrive late for your appointment, I will do my best to still give you the full appointment time. This won’t always be possible because of other bookings and at the end of the day, but if you know you will be late please ring ahead and I will do what I can for you.

Full treatment price is payable even on late arrival. Our time is valuable and by booking our Therapist for a set time you have agreed to pay the fee for that time even if your treatment time is reduced by your late arrival.

If you are taken ill or there is an emergency, I am reasonable, please let me know in the first available instance (i.e; first thing in the morning) and I will waive our fees.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

I am required to collect your Name, Phone number, Address and Date of visit, when you have a treatment at the clinic. This is for NHS Track and Trace. I will keep this information for 14 days and not share it with anyone, unless I am required by the authorities.

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